I tell you how I feel, but you don't care
I say tell me the truth, but you don't dare
You say love is a hell you cannot bear
And I say gimme mine back and then go there - for all I care
I got my feet on the ground
And I don't go to sleep to dream
You got your head in the clouds
And you're not at all what you seem
This mind, this body
And this voice cannot be stifled by your deviantways
So don't forget what I told you
Don't come around, I got my own hell toraise
I have never been so insulted in all my life
I could swallow the seas to wash down all this pride
First you run like a fool just to be at my side
And now you run like a food
But you just run to hide, and I can't abide
I got my feet on the ground
And I don't go to sleep to dream
You got your head in the clouds
And you're not at all what you seem
This mind, this body
And this voice cannot be stifled by your deviantways
So don't forget what I told you
Don't come around, I got my own hell toraise
Don't make it a big deal, don't be so sensitive
We're not playing a game anymore
You don't have to be so defensive
Don't you plead me your case, don't bother to explain
Don't even show me your face, ''cause it's a crying shame
Just go back to the rock from under which you came
Take the sorrow you gave and all the stakes you claim -
And don't forget the blame
I got my feet on the ground
And I don't go to sleep to dream
You got your head in the clouds
And you're not at all what you seem
This mind, this body
And this voice cannot be stifled by your deviantways
So don't forget what I told you
Don't come around, I got my own hell to raise
Fiona Apple - Sleep to Dream
"Se depois de eu morrer, quiserem escrever a minha biografia, não há nada mais simples. Tem só duas datas - a da minha nascença e a da minha morte. Entre uma e outra coisa, todos os dias são meus" - Alberto Caeiro
29 outubro 2009
Sleep to Dream
25 outubro 2009
Distant Dreams
This city
Everywhere I go
I see faces I know
All in their different zones
As we’re flying
Through this world underground
And my eyes are wide shut
I’m not hearing a sound
Time standing still
Surrounded by sad hearts unfulfilled
Empty places for the disenchanted
Pass and fade away
Distant dreams
Where I go
Distant dreams
When I’m low
As they echo in my head
Distant dreams
How they flow
Distant dreams
Moving slow
As I’m falling out of time
I still have distant dreams here in my mind
Faces distorted by pressure
Everyone forced together
Spilling out through the doors
No more spaces
It’s a dog-eat-dog world
And a mad free-for-all
Maybe room for one more
Time standing still
Surrounded by sad hearts unfulfilled
Empty places for the disenchanted
Pass and fade away
Distant dreams
Where I go
Distant dreams
When I’m low
As they echo in my head
Distant dreams
How they flow
Distant dreams
Moving slow
As I’m falling out of time
I still have distant dreams here in my mind
Distant dreams
Where I go
Distant dreams
When I’m low
As they echo – echo - in my head
Distant dreams
How they flow
Distant dreams
Moving slow
As heartbreak surrounds me
And heartache has found me
Distant dreams
Where I go
Distant dreams
When I’m low
As they echo in my head
Distant dreams
How they flow
Distant dreams
Moving slow
As I’m falling out of time
I still have distant dreams here in my mind
Nitin Sawheny Featuring Roxanne Tataei - Distant Dreamns
23 outubro 2009
Vontade de Ser

21 outubro 2009
Here With Me
I didn't hear you leave
I wonder how am I still here
And I don't want to move a thing
It might change my memory
Oh I am what I am
I'll do what I want
But I can't hide
I won't go
I won't sleep
I can't breathe
Until you're resting here with me
I won't leave
I can't hide
I cannot be
Until you're resting here with me
I don't want to call my friends
They might wake me from this dream
And I can't leave this bed
Risk forgetting all that's been
Dido - Here With Me
Better People

giving your thanks to our seas
my respect to the ones in the forest,
Standing up for our old trees
Them giving food to the hungry
giving hope to the needy
giving life to a baby
giving care for free
there is freedom around us
We have everything we need
I will care for you
because you care for me
we all have opinions
Some of them get through
But there’s better people
With more good to do.
what I have could be a message
or just some words from my heart
My respect to the ones making changes
For other lives they’ll give their own
well our world it keeps spinning
round and round it goes
Human nature keeps spreading it's disease
And our children keep growing up with
what they know from what we teach
and what they see
And it’s only a question of the time we have
And the lives that our children will lead
they can only keep growing up with
what they know from what we teach
and what they see
Xavier Rudd - Better People
...algures li...
19 outubro 2009
Little Sister
Hey sister why you all alone?
I'm standing out your window
Hey little sister, can I come inside, dear?
I wanna show you all my love
I wanna be the only one
I know you like nobody ever, baby
Little sister can't you find another way
No more livin life behind a shadow
You whisper secrets in my ear
Slowly dancing cheek to cheek
It's such a sweet thing when you open up, baby
They say I'll only do you wrong
We come together cause I understand
Just who you really are, yeah, baby
Little sister can't you find another way
No more livin life behind a shadow
No Shakin'.
Queens Of The Stone Age - Little Sister
17 outubro 2009
'Energy Song'
All alone in the snow
and nowhere seems close
the cold now moves to my bones
its beauty seems gone
and I know, know now this is wrong
and I should move on
Tired and too few time to be alone
with my own energy
rescue me..
These trees have known now for years
have contained my fears
the spirit of the earth,
I have felt now, since my birth
And I know, know now this is right
here I spend so much time
in this connection, this space
at the end of the maze
take me home
Generation inside her begins together now
I feel so connected
I feel so alive
The moon stares at the sun
The days I'm surfing between
Until the sky says its done.
All alone in the snow
and nowhere seems close
the cold moves now to my bones
its beauty seems gone
and I know, know now this is wrong
and I should move on
Tired and too few time to be alone
with my own energy
rescue me..
Xavier Rudd - Energy Song
15 outubro 2009
Veludo Rosa

Tentando passar despercebida.
Olho-te pelo canto do olho,
Não sei o que vês,
Não sei o que sentes,
Não sei quem és,
O que ambicionas,
O que desejas.
Estás só no presente,
Na noite.
Estás entregue ao teu mundo,
Aos teus pensamentos
Ajeitas o cabelo que te cobre a visão,
Que te cobre o rosto.
Olhas ao redor à procura
De um olhar,
De alguém,
De uma resposta
...embora sem som,
Apenas gestual.
Lábios finos e torneados
Fecham a tua voz
E abrem o teu silêncio.
Falas com o olhar
Tímido e meigo
Perdes-te em ti,
Perdes-te no mundo que vês lá fora
Pela janela
Aquele mundo com que não falas,
Aquele que te faz pensar,
Vaguear pelas ruas da mente
Aquele que não te compreende.
Aquele que não te vê
E calas a tua revolta silenciosa
Com os teus lábios de veludo rosa.
14 outubro 2009
Walk with me
Open your sensitive mouth
And talk to me
Hold out your delicate hands
And feel me
Couldn't make any plans
To conceal me
Open your sensitive mouth
Hold out your delicate hands
With such a sensitive mouth
I'm easy to see through
When I come up
When I rush
I rush for you
Cry for you
Seen the tears
Roll down from my eyes for you
Heard my truth
Distorting to lies for you
Watched my love
Becoming a prize for you
Seen the tears in my eyes
Heard my truth turn to lies
Seen the tears in my eyes
I'm not proud of what I do
When I come up
When I rush
I rush for you
I come up to meet you
Up there somewhere
When I rush to greet you
My soul is bared
Gave more for you
Dropped my crutches
And crawled on the floor for you
Went looking behind every door for you
And because of the things
That I saw for you
I spiritually grew
When I come up
When I rush
I rush for you
Depeche Mode - Rush
10 outubro 2009
...às vezes não vou mesmo...
05 outubro 2009
Azul Profundo
Luzes crepitantes são o horizonte
São o que há para lá do vidro
Olhares estranhos em cada lugar
Olhares ansiosos por sair dali
Por chegar ao destino
Por chegar ao seu porto seguro
Paramos na estação seguinte
Entras pela porta
Escolhes o teu lugar
Que te transporta para o teu destino
Sentas-te de frente para mim
Pegas num papel e numa caneta
Olhas ao redor
Captas o que te rodeia
E transcreve no papel
Poisado sobre o colo
De tempos a tempos
Olhas à tua volta
Paras o olhar
E continuas a escrever
Movimento delicado
Caneta na mão esquerda
Pousada no papel
Mão que (d)escreve o teu pensamento
Respiração profunda
Tal como o teu olhar
Azul profundo
Azul angelical
Tornas a olhar à tua volta
Os nossos olhares cruzam-se
Sorrio timidamente
Não consigo deixar de te admirar
(Viras a pagina)
Não consigo deixar de reparar
Nos teus movimentos
Quero saber o que pensas
O que escreves
O que filosofas com o papel
O que lhe confessas
Olhas para o chão
Vejo que é para os meus pés.
Olhas-me nos olhos
Fujo com o olhar,
Olhando para a paisagem que passa a correr
Fico intimidada
Mas não deixo de sorrir
Fizeste-me sorrir
Abriste a janela do meu coração
Deixando entrar uma brisa e alegria
Obrigado por me fazeres sorrir
Cheguei ao meu destino
Saio pela porta,
Mas tu continuas para o teu…
Que poderia também ser o meu.
…vejo o comboio seguir viagem
Pensando quando te voltarei a ver.
Rapaz dos olhos azuis profundos.
"Amar é raro"

04 outubro 2009
I Believe
I believe in the message
I believe in the power of pray
I believe in the future
I believe in the spiritual world
I believe we can achieve it
I believe there's something wrong
I believe there's too much for few
I believe it last for too long
I believe in the power of people
I believe in destiny
I believe in evolution
I believe in what I see
I believe the human body
I believe the mind is free
I believe there's too little for many
I believe in what I see
I believe that's not the end
I believe we can speak with them
I believe in the connection of worlds
I believe in telepathy
I believe in the power of people
I believe in destiny
I believe in evolution
I believe in what I see
Ishi, ni, san, shi, go, roku, shichi, hachi
I do believe in the message
I do believe in the power of your pray
I believe in your future
I do believe in your spiritual world
I believe that we can achieve it
I believe there's something wrong
I believe there's too much for few
I believe it last for too long
Ishi, ni, san, shi, go, roku, shichi, hashi
Blasted Mechanism - I Believe