16 julho 2010

Pensamento do Dia

"Quando entrais numa floresta, tomai consciência de que há ali uma multidão de criaturas que vão e vêm, ocupadas em diferentes actividades, e que elas vos vêem. Tentai estabelecer relacionamento com elas e dirigi-lhes mesmo a palavra para lhes mostrar que apreciais o seu trabalho. Aproximai-vos de uma árvore, por exemplo, e dizei-lhe: «Como tu és bela! Como és poderosa, resistente, sólida! Ah, se também eu pudesse ter a tua resistência, a tua solidez! Encarrego-te de dizer a todas as árvores da floresta que são magníficas, que eu as amo. Saúda cada uma da minha parte, dá-lhes um beijo por mim.» Depois, abraçais a árvore, e então as entidades que nela habitam vão transmitir o vosso amor a toda a floresta. Assim, enquanto vós continuais a passear, as outras entidades, que receberam a vossa mensagem, saem das árvores para vos ver; elas ficam maravilhadas e dançam à medida que passais. E, quando regressais a casa, sentis-vos felizes, sentis que saboreastes algo da verdadeira vida."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

13 julho 2010

11 julho 2010

'The Truth'

Let me tell you why I love him

Cause he is the truth
Said he is so real
And I love the way that he makes me feel
And if I am a reflection of him then I must be fly cause
his light it shines so bright I wouldn't lie

I remember the very first day I saw him
I found myself immdiately intrigued by him
Its almost like I knew this man from another life
Like back then maybe I was his husband and maybe he was my wife
And even, the things I don't like about him are fine with me
Because its not hard for me to understand him because his so much like me
And its truly my pleasure to share his company
And I know that its GOD's gift to breathe
yeah he breathe

How can the same man that makes me so mad
-do you know what he did-[spoken]
Turn right around and kiss me so soft
-girl do you know what he did-[spoken]
If he ever, left me I wouldn't even be sad no
And I'm glad that I knew him at all

I love the way he speaks
I love the way he thinks
I love the way he treats his mama
I love that gap in between his teeth
I love him in every way that a woman can love a man from personal to universal but most of all its unconditional

-you know what I'm talking about-
Thats the way I feel
-and I always will-

There's anit no substitute for the truth
either it is or isnt
cause he is the truth
you see the truth it, needs no proof
either it is or it isnt
Cause he is the truth
Now oyu know the truth by the way it feels
and if I am a reflection of him then I must be fly
cause he is yes he is
I wonder does he know

India Arie - The Truth

09 julho 2010


Her name was written on a photograph,
Right next to her red, sunburnt face,
It all had happened in that long tall grass,
About a mile from her old place,
I can't remember how it started
And if it lasted that day in the sun.

We said that we were going to study hard,
We held our books instead of hands,
She held a blanket over cans of beer,
I can't deny I was so full of fear.

It's just another story caught up
In another photograph I found.
And it seems like another person lived that life A great many years ago from now,

When I look back on my ordinary, ordinary life,
I see so much magic, though I missed it at the time.
When I look back on my ordinary ordinary, ordinary life,
I see so much magic, though I missed it at the time.

And there's the first time that I tried that stuff,
I think I look a little green,
I remember throwing up behind a bush,
And I found it hard to use my feet,
And who's that easily led
Little boy who's really off his head?

It was the same night that I kissed that girl,
The tall one with the auburn hair,
I remember laughing coz to kiss me,
She had to sit down on a chair!
She tasted like the schnapps she'd drunk,
And the cigarette she'd stolen from her mum.

And it's just another story caught up in another photograph I found.

When I look back on my ordinary, ordinary life,
I see so much magic, though I missed it at the time.
When I look back on my ordinary ordinary, ordinary life,
I see so much magic, though I missed it at the time.

Jamie Cullum - Photograph

08 julho 2010

Algures por ai encontrei...

"Há à minha volta uma verdade que se desenrola e que tem a ver com o erro, com a ignorância e com a pequena certeza da minha época. Eu vivo do erro dessas verdades, vivo dos seus limites – esclareço-o, ignoro-o, desenvolvo-o adentro do meu tempo, torno-o na minha subjectividade. O que quer dizer: ilimito-me. E cada vez estou mais certo da sua e da minha condição histórica, que posso enunciar deste modo: os meus versos sabem coisas que eu ignoro."

João Miguel Fernandes Jorge

in Obra Poética - Volume 4 (excerto da nota final), Editorial Presença

06 julho 2010


Just lay it all down.
Put your face into my neck and let it fall out.
I know, I know ,I know. I knew before you got home.
This world you're in now,
it doesn't have to be alone,
I'll get there somehow, 'cos
I know I know I know
when, even springtime feels cold.
But I will learn to breathe this ugliness you see
so we can both be there and we can both share the dark.
And in our honesty, together we will rise,
out of our nightminds, and into the light
at the end of the fight...

You were blessed by
a different kind of inner view: it's all magnified.
The highs will make you fly,
but the lows make you want to die.
And I was once there,
hanging from that very ledge where you are standing.
So I know, I know, I know,
it's easier to let go.

But I will learn to breathe this ugliness you see,
so we can both be there and we can both share the dark.
And in our honesty, together we will rise out of our nightminds
and into the light at the end of the fight.

...and in our honesty, together we will rise out of our nightminds
and into the light... at the end of their fight...

Missy Higgins - Nightminds

qualquer coisa que me surgiu ao adormecer...

“Tenho saudades tuas, e acho que são muitas…começo a sentir-te longe!”

Hoje passei o dia a ler as tuas palavras.
Passei o dia a sentir a tua falta.
Nem este calor abrasador me apaga a vontade que tenho de estar junto a ti…
Não anula a vontade que tenho de me sentir derreter num abraço teu.
Não apaga o desejo de querer sentir a tua boca na minha, de sentir o teu sabor, o teu cheiro, o teu calor…
Tenho saudades do teu olhar doce e meigo… desse olhar que me lanças e com o qual consegues ver e sentir cada suspiro, cada sussurro do meu corpo e do meu espírito…
Tenho saudades de me abraçar a ti, e assim permanecer a olhar o infinito, dizendo-te em pensamento “Adoro-te”.
É nesse infinito que, quando não estás, te encontro e estou contigo…
…a cada momento do dia…
…a cada momento da minha vida.

Saio da mesa de trabalho e vou dormir.
A cama está vazia, mas o coração e a mente estão cheios de ti, de mim, de nós…
…o coração chega a transbordar de carinho e afecto…

Faz-me falta o teu corpo encostado ao meu.
Faz-me falta as trocas de carícias e afecto que vão para alem do nosso entendimento intelectual. Apenas o entendimento sensitivo o compreende.

Fazes-me falta.
Ainda demoras?
Vou ficar acordada ate conseguir aguentar, enquanto espero.
Vem ter comigo…
Ficarei à espera…

(e na espera, adormeço)
Ana Raquel Joaquim

'Where I Stood'

I don't know what I've done
Or if I like what I've begun
But something told me to run
And honey you know me it's all or none

There were sounds in my head
LIttle voices whispering
That I should go and this should end
Oh and I found myself listening

'Cos I dont know who I am, who I am without you
All I know is that I should
And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon you
All I know is that I should
'Cos she will love you more than I could
She who dares to stand where I stood

See I thought love was black and white
That it was wrong or it was right
But you ain't leaving without a fight
And I think I am just as torn inside

'Cos I dont know who I am, who I am without you
All I know is that I should
And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon you
All I know is that I should
'Cos she will love you more than I could
She who dares to stand where I stood

And I won't be far from where you are if ever you should call
You meant more to me than anyone I ever loved at all
But you taught me how to trust myself and so I say to you
This is what I have to do

'Cos I dont know who I am, who I am without you
All I know is that I should
And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon you
All I know is that I should
'Cos she will love you more than I could
She who dares to stand where I stood
Oh, she who dares to stand where I stood

Missy Higgins - Where I Stood

"Casa de hóspedes"

Estás próximo e és uma saudade.
Tudo neste estranho lugar
se desdobra próprio, para quem reflecte
a razão da sua serenidade
em música, quase inexistente, quase familiar.

Em cada parede há uma pausa. Retratos
íntimos. Livros de folhas soltas.
A tua alegria é um gesto calmo, conveniente.
Na suavidade ambiente
chovem pétalas envoltas
de desejos simples.
Mornos nos meus ombros acaricio dois gatos.

Avisei que levassem estas flores.
É perigoso dormir com rosas.
Corram os estores.

Manuel de Castro
in Paralelo W, edição do autor

02 julho 2010

querias uma pista?! então toma lá!

"Sobre o amor "

Amor é processo lento,
não surge à primeira vista,
e está errado quem pensa
que não exige sofrimento,
horas de luta e conquista,
desprendimento e pertença,
tudo somado ou à vez,
com muitos laços, senões,
fartas dúvidas, porquês,
nós cegos, desilusões.

Mas também é alegria,
ternura desmesurada
e, que conste, não há nada
mais digno de ser poesia.

Torquato da Luz